Marco Di Nicola, Sara Evangelisti, and Alessandra Isetto, Gas and Heat, Italy, detail the use of special grade austenitic steel for LNG and alternative fuels tank applications. Based on the International Maritime Organization’s strategy, the world will have the opportunity to reach the goal of decarbonisation in the future through green fuels. However, to date,…

LNG & AMMONIA – The first compatible tank

Gas and Heat and Bureau Veritas make cargo/fuel tank compatible with both LNG and Ammonia Milan September 2022 – Bureau Veritas (BV), a world leader in testing, inspection and certification, has awarded an Approval in Principle (AIP) to Gas and Heat (GH), a company specialized in design, construction and integration of Liquefied Gasses Handling Systems both for Marine and Onshore installations for theirflexible solution to transport LNG and ammonia. Through a thorough study, GH supported…

Al via le fasi di test per il primo deposito costiero di GNL

L’amministratore delegato di Higas, Roberto Madella ha dichiarato che “Questa mattina grazie all’instancabile collaborazione del Ministero della Transizione Ecologica e del Ministero dei Trasporti e delle Infrastrutture, Higas Srl ha ricevuto l’autorizzazione all’esercizio provvisorio in attesa di collaudo definitivo del primo Deposito di GNL autorizzato e costruito in Italia. Questa importante autorizzazione è arrivata ad…


Gas and Heat has completed the design, manufacturing and assembling of a Docking Skid, named LNG 4 speed (patent pending), especially conceived to connect 4 LNG tank road trucks at a time whereby reducing the vessel’s full bunkering time to one sixth of the time. The skid was contracted to Gas and Heat by Transport…

Press Release KNUTSEN

Italy’s Gas and Heat SpA has signed a contract with Astilleros Armon Gijon ship yard to design and build the LNG cargo and fuel handling system for a 5,000 cbm LNG bunker barge to be delivered to Knutsen Scale Gas SL. The vessel features an innovative design and will be chartered to the Anglo Dutch…

Un triplete per Gas and Heat e per il GNL

Il Presidente della società, ing. Mauro Evangelisti, ha più volte sottolineato e condiviso con i vari partecipanti alla cerimonia inaugurale che si è svolta questa mattina alla presenza anche delle Istituzioni, l’aggettivo “storico”. Alle 9,34 è infatti arrivata a banchina la nave Avenir Accolade con il suo primo carico di Gas Naturale Liquefatto, destinato al…

Tank hydrotest at Gas and Heat

On June 6, Gas and Heat spa (Pisa, Italy) has performed the hydrotest of the largest IMO Type C tank ever built in Europe for a LNG bunker vessel. The owner, the yard, the ship designer and the Class representative were in attendance. This tank, along with its “brother” will form the containment system of…